Thx alot TR!
The score is now 1-0
in compiling this abbreviated strategy for the forum, i referred to my personal experiences as an immigrant, student, us marine, financial professional, technology major, aficionado of history:.
a balanced strategy to eradicate "identified" terrorists & hosts.
) the entire coalition seize and freeze all financial assets of the following terrorist hosts:.
Thx alot TR!
The score is now 1-0
in compiling this abbreviated strategy for the forum, i referred to my personal experiences as an immigrant, student, us marine, financial professional, technology major, aficionado of history:.
a balanced strategy to eradicate "identified" terrorists & hosts.
) the entire coalition seize and freeze all financial assets of the following terrorist hosts:.
In compiling this abbreviated strategy for the forum, I referred to my personal experiences as an immigrant, student, US Marine, financial professional, technology major, aficionado of history:
A Balanced Strategy to Eradicate "Identified" Terrorists & Hosts
1.) The entire coalition SEIZE AND FREEZE ALL FINANCIAL assets of the following terrorist hosts:
SYRIA / YEMEN / United Arab Emirates / IRAN / IRAQ / SUDAN / Afghanistan
2.) DETAIN ALL DIPLOMATIC PERSONNEL from each host country.
3.) DENY ALL VISAS to applicants from host countries and DEPORT tourists.
4.) Implement immediate economic sanctions affecting each host country
5.) Establish immediate NO-FLY ZONES over each host country and implement full NAVAL BLOCKADES of all ports.
6.) Forward ULTIMATUMS to all hosts notifying them that the International Coalition DEMANDS the immediate surrender of all known terorrists operating within their borders. Provide lists from international intelligence to each host and demand extradition and surrender within 10 days.
7.) DEMAND the destruction of all terrorist resources located within the borders of each host country.
8.) DEMAND Coalition Troops supervise and execute the destruction of all terrorist resources (camps,houses,weapons,literature,etc)
9.) If all conditions are not met within 10 days, each host will be invaded and occupied by force, and the host government will be removed and replaced with a temporary UN governemnt until free elections can be conducted.
10.) If cooperation with the conditions is completed, all assets will be released minus the deducted cost of international coalition operational expenses incurred.
This type of plan would decrease the impending urgency to respond in a military fashion, and deter hostilities, and also reduce the number of casualties on both sides if met with resistance.
OK, now let me have it...............good or bad....
this was posted on another forum by someone i talk to.....any thoughts on this post?.
"this was sent to me from a friend and is supposedly written by an american that is from afghanistan.
> i've been hearing a lot of talk about "bombing .
Hey UK Man:
Even though I harbor some gripes over the big one 60 years ago, I must admit I admire and love those "Royal Marine Commando" regiments.
As a US Marine for five years, involved in Beirut, Grenanda, Carracou, Panama and other events, I always wanted an opportunity to work with the RMC's. Unfortunately, it never came. I did work with "ROK" Rangers from South Korea and Australian Infantry during Operation Bright Star in Egypt in '85.
this was posted on another forum by someone i talk to.....any thoughts on this post?.
"this was sent to me from a friend and is supposedly written by an american that is from afghanistan.
> i've been hearing a lot of talk about "bombing .
On "National Public Radio" here in Boston it was announced that the Italians and the British are in fact the only european allies that have publicly promised full military support to the US.
Italian Defense Minister "Antonio Martino" stated: "Italy will provide troops and naval and aerial support". We already know the British are dying to get involved and are waiting for the US's next move. Here is the beginning of the article (in italiano) from LA STAMPA italian daily press:
Martino: è guerra, schiereremo soldati e aerei
«Faremo ciò che ci verrà richiesto dai nostri alleati Usa e dalla Nato» Ma le nostre forze speciali sono composte da poche migliaia di uomini
18 settembre 2001
di Francesco Grignetti
ROMA Con tutte le cautele del caso, il ministro della Difesa, Antonio Martino, da giorni aveva cominciato a dire agli italiani che anche truppe di casa nostra potrebbero essere chiamate a dar manforte agli americani. Ieri il ministro è stato più esplicito: «Siamo totalmente al fianco degli alleati americani e fedeli ai nostri impegni alla Nato. Faremo tutto ciò che possiamo per partecipare alla risposta a questo inaccettabile, terribile atto di terrorismo. Faremo tutto ciò che ci verrà richiesto. Schiereremo i nostri soldati se ce lo chiederanno, metteremo a disposizione i nostri aerei se ci verrà richiesto». Il tabù, dunque, è rotto. Non si parla solo di solidarietà politica o diplomatica, ma anche militare. Soldati italiani potrebbero essere chiamati a partecipare a una spedizione. E questa volta non si usa l’eufemismo «missione di pace».
Germany and France have promised "logistical support". That could mean a number of different things, some administrative, some logistical, some technical.
Fear is the improper use of the imagination. Superstition is ridiculous and illogical.
If you believe the bible, then demons exist. If they exist, why do they need to contact anyone at all? All humans are fulfilling the desires of biblical sin every day. Every day, we lie, we cheat, we steal, etc.. Therefore, if their goal is to get us to sin, they have already succeeded. Who needs contact?
See how ridiculous it all sounds?
perhaps you recall the instance in the bible where samson made a wager with the philistines that they couldnt guess his riddle.
as it turned out they wheedled the answer out of him by his fiancee, but the point is that they had a wager.
since the underlying assumption of the apostasy is that we are not living in the last days of this system of things, and that this world is not facing anything remotely like the biblical apocalypse, at least not any time soon, in the spirit of such antagonism, i would like to propose a similar wager.
Excellent Work JDUBLA! Touche!
i am not a jehovah's witness however i do agree with quite a bit of what you believe in, i have a question though and was hoping that someone could answer it for me.. i'm almost sure that i remember that there are scriptures explaining what has happened -as far as all this awfulness we've seen this week- and what is inevitably going to happen from here on in.
could somoene point me to those scriptures?
Are you positive someone or some group quoted scriptures from the Bible predicting the attacks? Are you sure it was not after the fact?
Where did JW's fit into the picture? Are you a JW student? Just wondering.
i just spoke to bryce at bethel information line (hopefully this was not just nytelecom1 himself).. this is what bethel has done:.
1. donated batteries and flashlights.
2. power equipment to cut through concrete.
I am proud of the WTS for providing assistance and support. I am glad the stances are softening and it's about time. There's a time to be human and this was it.
perhaps you recall the instance in the bible where samson made a wager with the philistines that they couldnt guess his riddle.
as it turned out they wheedled the answer out of him by his fiancee, but the point is that they had a wager.
since the underlying assumption of the apostasy is that we are not living in the last days of this system of things, and that this world is not facing anything remotely like the biblical apocalypse, at least not any time soon, in the spirit of such antagonism, i would like to propose a similar wager.
You Know:
I will come forward and accept your meager scanty wager. Here are the parameters:
1. The stock market (NYSE / NASDAQ) must experience a COMPLETE and TOTAL crash before the end of october 2001.
2. The financial panic resulting from the crash must spread globally, causing anarchy, rioting, revolutions and war.
If neither of these conditions develop before the end of October 2001, you will send $1,000.00 to the disaster relief agency of your choice that is assisting NYC.
If the conditions do develop, I will send $2,500.00 to the WTBS in your name with your letter.
when nato invokes article v, it is more than just one member asking for support from the other member states, but article v invocation means all member states view the attack as an attack on them all.
in other words, nato aliance is at war with those responsible, and will support the us lead, which will now hold not only the terrorists responsible, but hold those nations that host them as equally responsible.. "brussels, belgium (cnn) -- nato has unanimously declared the hijack attacks on the u.s. to be an assault against all member states.".
"it is the first time in 52 years that the alliance has invoked article v -- the nato self-defence charter that says if one member state is under attack all other member nations would defend it.".
World War III, Maybe?
What happened in NYC and DC should remind mainstream americans that life outside the United States is very different for the rest of humanity. We live without active regard for the social, economic and political situations most humans are forced to suffer every day. While the media expends efforts to report news about the world around us, most americans remain physically and emotionally detached from the countries and people with the funny sounding names and places.
We are a media driven, spoon-fed, consumption oriented, narcissistic, materialistic, entertainment-minded and pleasure centric society. I AM NOT CONDEMNING any of these characteristics of our american lifestyles and behavior. It is just the color of our national culture.
You want proof? Yesterday, in Providence, RI a man was removed from an Amtrak train and arrested. Authorities deemed him suspicious because of his turban and long beard. Therefore, he was arrested and detained. I saw that man several weeks ago at the same train station waiting on the platform. I immediately mumbled to myself, "wow, a SIKH in Providence--not a common sight".
Your average mainstream media minded american has NO IDEA what a sikh is or where they come from. Most americans do not know the difference
between Shiite and Sunni's either, let alone the countries in which they reside. However, I'll bet those same americans know what happened on "Ally McBeal or Friends or Big Brother" right? I'll bet they know the lyrics to the top ten hits from J-Lo, Maraiah, Destiny's Child, N'SYNC, right?
These are the reasons the american mind is not ready to handle international matters. The generation X and i crowd can barely find their own state on a map. While everyone is gadget conscious and electronically savvy, their foreign counterparts are able to grown their own food, handle weapons and animals and travel without assistance or machinery. No matter how angry our youth may seem today, they are not trained, nor even ready to be trained to confront what may become WWIII.
I am sorry for the current and incoming generations of americans. Perhaps, globalization may sharpen our senses and wake this nation, if not, occupation by foreign enemies will for a certainty. We have yet to realize the ramifications of these attacks. This is a complex situation.
How should NATO and the US respond? Will genocide of all arabs be enough? Should arab nations be forced under threat to hand over all terrorists, extremeists, leaders, agitators, rebels, guerillas? Should we attack one arab nation after another and occupy their countries and exploit their resources? Should we allow innocent women and children to suffer because of the fanaticism of cowardly religious leaders who prey on the malleable minds youth?
The answer depends on what all powerful nations agree as their ultimate global objective. If economic globalization and equalization are the goals, the approach taken will differ greatly from a goal of peace and security and freedom from terrorism. Whatever goals are set by the nations involved, americans are NOT ready by any means. Americans are creatures of comfort and habit, immune to inconvenience and allergic to sacrifice, unless profitable.
History is full of mistakes that started with noble intentions. Saddam Hussein is still in power, while his people suffer. Because we are not ready, yet. We allowed the British to divide Palestine after the war, and look at it now! We allowed eastern europe to be divided after both world wars, and it is still not right. We have always prescribed "democracy" as an antidote for war, without ever getting our hands dirty and really diagnosing foreign affairs. We are probably going to same all over again, only with greater intensity. Instead of launching missiles into Afghanistan, maybe we will "nuke" them for effect. Maybe we will invade, and
then leave, like Iraq ten years ago. I know one thing for sure, we do not understand the arab because we do not care!
The saddest tragedy is the millions of innocent arab women and children who are about to die, believing it is Allah's will, when the sleeping giants from the west arrive with their electronic war machines and caravans of death, while their supposed spiritual leaders like Saddam Hussein, Moammar Quaddafi, Usama bin Mohammed bin Laden hide safely in their mountains, in their palaces and secret places, leaving their loyally blinded followers out in the open to
face "democracy" when it comes!
Perhaps we can find solstace in believing the arabs are the new king of the south and the NATO-US alliance is the king of the north, and after the dust is settled, and the arabs are occupied and subjugated, we will hear the cry for peace in the middle-east, once and for all. Who knows?
One thought certainly demands consideration, this talk of a long-term struggle definitely has connotations of a three, four or five year conflict. Are we ready for the reports about atrocities committed by our troops, or NATO alliance troops in other countries?
Are we ready for the media emprires to betray us once the conflict begins? While the media screams revenge with the country now, they will soon be reporting dissention, controversy and opposition to our military tactics, once they are underway.
How will the media report US troops carrying out assasinations? How will they report desolated arab villages and burning women and children? Remember how the media affected the Vietnam conflict? Liberals protesting in the streets with students and riots everywhere, while troops were trying to obey orders and perform their duties.
Americans do not understand what they want, nor what they are asking for in this situation.
This nation needs more time to prepare and prepare it's allies. This time, we won't be facing neatly arranged bunkers and walls in Normandy. There won't be any pillboxes or trenches, or uniformed soldiers attacking in groups. If fanaticism runs as deep as it appears, these arabs may fight with women and children like the Viet Cong, only with more intensity.
Americans were able to show some vietnamese that the north and the cong were cruel and sadistic. This time, it's not about freedom versus communisim, at least no in the mind of the individual arab.
It's about the Devils (US & NATO & Israel) versus Allah! Just wait!